Commercial divers see and experience what others don’t.

Working under water is unique. It’s hard work, but liberating. Movements are slow. Time flies by. You may be all alone down there – but always part of a team.

More scared of boredom than the dark?

Maybe commercial diving is for you, and NYD is probably the best place in the world to prepare you for it.

  • What do you learn?

    The course is the entrance ticket to the diving industry. The focus is on teaching you safe and effective diving, while you learn the principles of various underwater work tasks.

    The course starts with a theoretical module where you learn diving medicine and physiology, regulations and HSE work, diving physics, equipment theory, risk management, communication, seamanship and the use of diving tables.

    In the practical module you will learn a number of different diving methods. Diving with self-contained equipment, open and closed diving watch with hot water suits, the most common diving masks and helmets in the industry, use of pressure chamber and use of Nitrox as breathing gas.

    From work assignments you learn, among other things, welding, cutting firing, lifting operations, concrete construction, inspection, search, and hydraulically and compressed air-powered tools.

  • Admission requirements

    To start the course, you must be 18 years old and have completed 9 years of primary school. You must be able to swim 400 meters, be able to hold your breath for 45 seconds underwater and have a health certificate for professional divers.

    It is an advantage that you are practically minded and have experience with typical crafts, but this is not a requirement to apply.

    Diving experience is not required.

  • Job opportunities

    The labor market for divers is good, but you must be hardworking, flexible and willing to travel.

  • Certificates

    Upon completion of the training, you will receive the Norwegian Havindustritilsynets certificate for surface-oriented diving to 50 meters offshore. This is listed by the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) as recognized for diving worldwide.

    In addition, you will receive a diving certificate B in accordance with the Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority’s regulations on inland diving to 50 meters, and the International Diving Schools Association (IDSA) Level 3 certificate.

  • Price

    65 000,- NOK
    When the deposit has been paid 5 000,- NOK, you are guaranteed a place on the course.
    You can pay by card or pay a deposit to our account 6244 05 03808.
    If you withdraw from the course before the starts of the course, the deposit will be refunded – administration fee 1 500,- NOK
    Price for medical examination at NYD 3 800, -NOK
    Logbook 275,- NOK
    Certificate 900,- NOK